MAC 10 FFU’s Deliver Clean Air to Critical Facilities

We deliver clean air to some of the most critical environments in the country. Our team of air filtration experts are experienced and knowledgeable to help guide you with your Fan Filter Unit needs.


Top priority for cost management

to deliver clean and safe air

to manage any number of fan filter units

1SO9001 Certified Manufacturing

Fan Filter Units Account for 30-50% of cleanroom energy costs.

We can help deliver real savings on your energy costs for your next project.

Proudly manufactured by Americans for critical American industries.

All of our MAC 10 Fan Filter Units are manufactured in the United States at our Headquarters in Sanford North Carolina.

No matter the application, we have a MAC 10 model that will deliver results for your facility or project.

101 McNeill Rd. Sanford, NC 27330